Wednesday, September 21, 2011

6 Months...

As Riley approaches 6 months, I have realized I have not updated her I look back at her pictures...she has grown so much in the last 2 months. She is such a happy baby and 'bright eyes' as she is known by so observant and loves to be outdoors.

With mama blueberry picking

She also loves to go swimming, leisure strollers around the neighborhood and such chilling in the grass...

This is pretty much how she is most of the time...she is trying to crawl...not quite yet, but boy can she stick her booty in the air.

The johnny jumper is a fun toy for her too as she thinks she is so big that she can walk...she gets bored with it after about 20 minutes though and back to the 'gym' to play ....

Shawn and I are so thankful to have her in our lives...she is pure joy...even at 5:00 in the morning...we believe she has a mutant gene as mom and dad are definitely not morning people...however, she is teaching how to be...I mean, come on, how can you resist that smiling face...she is always happy to see you...