Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day...

Hey guys...It's super hot outside...let's go to the pool...My suit's on...I'm ready to go...

I'm swimming with my mama...
It's a little cold though...

This pool stuff takes a lot outta ya...

Sunday, May 22, 2011


My daddy did my hair...and my mommy didn't like it...

Nappy on the Boppy...

Aunt Stephanie, Uncle Chad and Cousin Aidan came over to check out the new place and say "hello". However, we are still working on teaching her how to be a good hostess. Thanks for stopping by!

Tongue Out...

Bath Time...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pedi with Mom...

For Mother's Day Shawn got me a pedicure! Now, I am not a big mani/pedi girl...but I will admit...after working of my feet for soooo many years...a pedicure is nice. It has become a splendid little treat. I go to the same place...in Wal-Mart on Cr. 6... they do a great job and it is not overly expensive. Yes, they do speak Chinese to each other and I have no idea what they are saying...however, they know me now. They used to look at my hands and ask..."You want manicure?"...I always say "No" and she would just shake her head. Yes, I know my hands look awful...but giving me a manicure isn't going to solve the problem and then I will just break a nail, get dirt in them, or chip the paint anyways. Now they don't ask anymore.

Riley accompanied me this time...she wasn't too impressed or excited. Perhaps that is a good thing right now and will save me some money down the road : )

Silly Eyes...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day...

Happy Mother's Day...as my first Mother's Day...I had a wonderful day and got to spend it with all my favorite people (Megs...was thinking of you).

We started the day out by hanging with Mom, Dad, Stephanie, Chad and Aidan...of course cuties Shawn and Riley were there too.

Then Shawn, Riley and I visited with Janet, Shawn's mom. What a beautifully sunny day we had! About noon time it was my time...yay! We decided to go to Rum Village in South Bend area for a nice hike outside. Riley loves to be outdoors...just like mom and dad. She was in her pack...sleeping...she likes to do that too : ) I can't resist taking pictures of those cheeks.

Shawn was on the look for morels...but unfortunately...the season was pretty much over at this point. We did, however, see many trillium starting to come up! More of the red than white...but was able to capture at least 1 or 2 white ones. Thanks to my friends in Northern Michigan...I know what trillium is.
Later, after we got home. Daddy was awesome and let mommy take a nice long nappy! Riley liked the idea and decided to take one with mommy. She loves to lay on me and stick that little booty of hers in the air while she sleeps. I swear she did the same thing in my tummy!

Very sleepy...but I love it when she sleeps on me.

Thanks to all those...especially Shawn, who made my first Mother's Day very special! Hope all the mothers out there had a wonderful day too!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Aidan's 1st Birthday...

April 28th 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Aidan

Monster Pajama Party!!

Thanks Mom for the delicious monster eye cake! It was very tastey...and I loved eating it with my fingers!

Hey Windsor...you wanna take a drive with me! Thanks Aunt Molly!

I love my horsey! Thanks Grammy and Papa!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Happy Baby...

Many Thanks To Many Friends and Family...

Riley was very happy to meet so many people this past week. She was
excited to see some old friends of mommy's and some new ones! She was also very appreciative of the many gifts she received from both friends and family.

Thank you to everyone...


You don't want to mess with this supervisor...

Being a supervisor takes a lot out of ya...

A Few Fam Photos...

The three of us...

Shawn and I...

Us with our kiddies...

The girls...

Happy Easter...

What a nice sunny day...Stephanie and Chad's house was yet again a great spot for an Easter egg hunt! Quinn and Aidan are enjoying their own egg hunt.
Windsor having a great time going around the yard looking for all sorts of goodies...

Waverly the pro at Easter egg hunts....stopping only so that Aunt Kelly can take a picture!

...and Miss Riley sleeping through it all...